Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lindsay and John September 15, 2012

John is in the Navy and one poker night with the guys he had mention planning his wedding.  Eric a past groom of CMT’s, I believe over 7 years ago, referred him our way.  When I first met with the two of them Lindsay was nervous she was going to have a hard time making decision.  I assured her I would make it as easy as possible.  A few months later planning was on its way. 

Lindsay and John had planned on getting married at Little Island Park.  But the wind was so strong that day they could not get married on the beach.  But we had a beautiful backup at Baja in Sandbridge overlooking the water and dunes plus a beautiful sunset.
The reception was under a tent at the Baja, with dancing in the tiki bar!  The reception would not stop, a lot of guest stayed and danced till the late hour! 

Working with Lindsay and John was fun, watching them work together made me laugh each time.  The amount of love they have for one another is amazing!  

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