Sunday, November 13, 2011

Regina and Michael July 9, 2011

Regina and Michael, I am sorry, but I have to give them the cutest couple of the year award! I know every couple is cute but this couple will always have a special place in my heart.

It all started with our first meeting, I was going over my list of questions while the both of them while Regina was giving me answers. Then I look over and Michael is starting to sweat a little. He puts his head in his hands and says, “I think I am starting to get nervous.” Then they both look at me and say, “This is normal, right?”

Now, here is a little background information about the couple. Neither of them has been married before. They had met in a cafeteria line, he lives in New York, and she lives in Maryland. When I asked them when they planned on moving in together, the answer was “Well, I have three more years left till I can retire.”

I have married nervous couples before, but I would have to say this was the most nervous couple I have ever walked down the aisle. But with the entire planning process, they did everything together even long distance. The guests enjoyed watching them exchange vows at Michael’s family church in Portsmouth, then enjoyed an evening of dancing at the Portsmouth Naval Station.

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