Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 2, 2008 Carrie and Adam

Carrie and Adam have been together since their senor year in High School, they both went to College together and now are husband and wife.

I first met Carrie and her mom at the beginning of the year, they had most of the wedding planned and ready to go. They both loved the processes and details of planning the wedding. With everything going smoothly and the wedding around the corner we all soon found out her reception location was under construction and may not be completed in time for Carrie’s wedding date.

The family held themselves together and handled the situation better than I think I could have done if it was my wedding. We booked a backup plan but kept hoping for the best, it was not till Tuesday before the wedding when we got the news. The reception would have to be moved to the other location. Again the bride, groom and family pulled together and we made the change happen smoothly.

Carrie and Adam got married at the beautiful Coleman Place Presbyterian Church in Norfolk. Following the ceremony was a fun, dance all night reception at the Vista Point on Norfolk Naval Base.

At the rehearsal dinner I was adopted into the family as a new sister, I am so looking forward to the family vacations. I am also looking forward to spending more time with the family again planning the bride sisters wedding in June of next year. Too the new son in laws you are very lucky and blessed to have the Teague’s as your new family.

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Beach Wedding said...
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