Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nice Thank You from a Past Mom

This made my day today...
Most importantly, I want to thank you for everything that you did for Megan & Devin!!!  The wedding was absolutely beautiful and it was EVERYTHING that I wanted it to be for Megan but never thought I would be able to actually afford.  So thank for that and for helping me to give my daughter the wedding that SHE dreamed of.  I cannot tell you how much I will always appreciate that.  And I will tell you that there was NOT one thing that I would have changed, there was nothing that I wished we had done that wasn’t done.  You are amazing and along with your staff you make an unstoppable team.  I am truly impressed and tell anyone that will listen the same thing.   I also wanted to thank you for stepping in and taking control with the little hiccup we had with the guest at the reception.  Megan was devastated (and it got worse after the reception), but you handled it so well that I am not sure what we would have done without you.  So thanks again for that.
Thank you,
Lori Walder
May 4, 2012

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