Friday, June 4, 2010

Gina and Eddie May 22, 2010

Romance – Romance – Romance…this is how I can explain Gina and Eddie! From the very beginning they were hand in hand doing everything together. “Yes Dear”, “What do you think?”, “Whatever you like is fine with me.” It was fun to watch this couple together.

Gina and Eddie got married at a very cute church in Chesapeake—Oak Chesapeake Church. Following was the reception filled with candles at the Norfolk Yacht Club. The guests enjoyed the patio over looking the bay while dancing went on inside.

Each guest was served an individual Tiffany box cake, which was a nice surprise to everyone. Soon after, the couple got into the limo to go to their honeymoon in Hawaii. Eddie had planned the entire trip as a surprise to Gina, but little did he know she had a few surprises of her own for him.

As always, it was a great pleasure working with Sam Hughes Photography.

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