Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Helen and Josh March 22, 2008

Where do I begin with Helen and Josh, meeting with the couple would take a little longer than usual because they would block out the world within each other. Josh always had a hard time looking away when gazing into Helen’s eyes.

With little done and little time remaining I helped the couple finish their final details. With the theme from the movie “Enchanted” a castle to get married in was what they found. They had found the perfect church at Jamestown Settlement to get married in. Then an intimate reception with candelabras and hearts to following at The Ford’s Colony.

Laughter is something you cannot go without with this couple, I will miss the fun times and laughter. It was truly enjoyable to work with the madly in love couple!

It is always a delight to work with Christine Bruggeman at Del Haven Studio, she has the eye for romance.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

DaVonna & Kendrick Williams March 15, 2008

I first met DaVonna and Kendrick at Tiffanys by Maya when she purchased her dress. DaVonna was just finishing up when Kendrick walked in the door. When he walked in and their eyes met we, all could see the love they had for each other. It was like they just met for the first time, but I soon found out they have been together for 10 years.

From our first meeting I knew this was going to be a fun reception, and that is what it was. DaVonna and Kendrick had a loving first dance which changed over to an upbeat fun dance. Soon nobody was sitting, everyone was on the dance floor doing the “Cupid Shuffle.”

I FINALLY got to work with Keith Cephus after all these years. He was a pleasure to work with, I know DaVonna and Kendrick are going to have a hard time choosing their pictures – too many great ones!

I truly enjoyed meeting all of her warm hearted family and friends. I wish the couple the very best in there future, I am sure great things will keep coming their way.

Thank you for letting me be apart of your wedding day!